Six Months

Today Brianna is six months old. She has changed so much, not only since she was born, but even in the last month or so! Here are some new pictures.


We will go to the doctor for her 6-month checkup this coming week, so I’ll give you an official update on her weight and height then. In the mean time, we estimate her weight to be a little over 13 lbs. She takes ~3 naps per day when she is at home. Usually at least one is 90 minutes or more. At daycare, she takes 2 – 3 naps, and never sleeps longer than 30 minutes. This week we will try a few things to see if we can improve that. Fortunately, she is generally happy, even when she is exhausted. The only way you really know she is tired is by looking at her eyes (they get a decidedly sleepy look), and by noticing whether or not she rubs her face. At night, she sleeps roughly 8 – 9 hours between feedings. Recently, she will wake up between 4:30 and 5:30 to eat, and then will sleep another 2 – 3 hours before getting up for the day. She will roll over from her tummy to her back (although not very often), and she rolls from her back to her side. She seems to sleep best on her side right now. She is pretty good at grabbing things (as you can see above), and has figured out how to use her feet to bring things closer to her hands. She laughs, shouts, screeches, and makes aah, mmmm, and eh sounds regularly, and makes ba and da sounds occasionally. While on her tummy she kicks a lot, but has not yet figured out how to turn that motion into forward motion. She occasionally pushes up on her hands. For the most part however, she does not seem particularly interested in moving herself around. We do not see any signs of teeth, but she gnaws on things A LOT. She can sit unassisted for a few seconds, and loves to stand with assistance. She also loves to “dance” to music — no music preference at this time. She has started reaching for things she wants, and has even reached up a couple of times for me or Jason.

She had her first formal portrait on Thursday (school pictures). Yesterday (Saturday) she went to her first football game. The home team did not win, but she seemed to enjoy it. I think she was following the game. Whenever she looked at the field, she only looked where the players were. When there were no players on the field, she looked at her surroundings. While watching the game, she chatted and screeched like she does when happy, so I think she liked it (good thing, huh!). :)

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Today is picture day for Brianna at school. I meant to give her a bath last night, but she decided to fall asleep instead. What can you do? So, this morning I gave her a bath, which is not as much fun as you might think since she is not generally interested in morning baths. She was good, but didn’t splash (a favorite bath time activity these days) nearly as much as she usually does. I took this picture after we finished while she played in her exersaucer with her favorite ball. It is just too cute to not share. As you can see, post-bath she was all smiles!


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