
Grandma & Grandpa came over for another visit this past weekend. They arrived on Wednesday evening and stayed until Monday morning. As you can see in the picture Grandma took, Brianna had a great time visiting her Grandparents!

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Brianna and Spot

Brianna is slowly settling into a routine. She generally has a routine of eating, followed by playing, followed by sleeping. Now if we could just get her to do these things more regularly!

I took these pictures today while she was playing in her bouncy seat. I put Spot next to her to see what she would do. After a bit she squeezed him with her arms.


And then, she decided to see if he tasted good. :)


Right now, she is using Spot as a pillow while she naps in her swing. I’d post a picture of that too, but I can’t get a good one with all that motion. It is very cute, though!

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Who Does Brianna Look Like?

We get this question a lot. Of course, the people here all have an opinion. Initially, most thought she looked like me. Then, most thought she looked like Jason. Now, they seem to think she is a mix. Both Jason and I think she just looks like a baby — although I think her eyes are shaped like Jason’s (hopefully she will get all of his eye characteristics since he has beautiful blue eyes and much better vision than me). Out of curiosity, however, I looked through my photo albums for a picture I know I have of me in a Santa suit. In this picture (see below) I am about 2 months old, so basically the same age as Brianna. If not for the Santa suit, the brown eyes, and the slight aged look to the photo, wouldn’t you think this was a picture of Brianna? We think the resemblance is remarkable, so for now we say she looks like me. :) Now, to be fair, I should also show a picture of Jason at 2 months, but I can’t find a good one of his face, so that comparison will have to wait until she is about 6 months old.


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Miss Personality


Brianna’s personality is starting to show. Generally, she is a happy baby. At times she is very patient, but at others, she just can’t be bothered to wait. For example, when she wakes up I have a 50/50 shot at her babbling peacefully to herself or crying insistently for attention. Here are a couple of pictures of her at 2 months. I took the picture above yesterday during tummy time, and I took the picture below last week while we were playing in the mirror.


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Checkup and Shots

Today Brianna went to the doctor for her 2 month checkup and some shots. She now weighs 9 lbs. 8.5 oz. (10th percentile), is 22.25″ long (50th percentile), and has a head circumference of 39.5 cm (75th percentile — thanks Daddy). The doctor says she is doing great! After I asked a lot of questions about a lot of different things (gotta love being an engineer), Brianna received her first vaccines for DTaP (diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis), Rotavirus, and haemophilus influenza type b (Hib). Of course, she did not like getting the shots, but she did very well — I think I had more trouble with the whole thing than she did!

We have opted for an alternative vaccine schedule that spreads out her vaccines a bit. When Jason and I were babies, we had received ~9 shots by our fifth birthdays. The current vaccine schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a whopping 25 shots (not counting flu shots) by the child’s second birthday and a total of 29 shots by the child’s fifth birthday! The alternative schedule we are using provides her with 23 shots by her second birthday, 27 shots by her fifth birthday, and spreads them out a bit so that she doesn’t get them all at once. This may mean more trips to the doctor, but I am more comfortable with that. The end result of all of this today is that she has a bit of a fever now, but that is not usual so we will just hang out, snuggle with her, and give her some Tylenol as necessary.

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Bath Time!

I would like to say that Brianna loves bath time, but so far, that just isn’t true. Sometimes she puts up with it. Other times, she fusses/cries the whole time. I suspect once she starts having baths more regularly, she will decide splashing Mommy and Daddy is great big fun! Even if she does not currently enjoy the actual bath itself, she seems to really enjoy the post bath time in her adorable towel “outfits.” Here is Brianna after her last bath in her Tigger robe and slippers.


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