

Jason thinks her shirt cuts her potential a little short – surely she is 100% angel! She makes us smile every day; we are having quite a lot of fun with her. She continues to eat well and has figured out how to drink out of her sippy cup (although she still needs to learn to tip it). She figured out the sippy cup a little last week, but did NOT like the fact that it contained just water. She was looking for some “milk”… Anyway, today I put formula in it and she loved it. She carried it all over as she crawled and explored. I think she has started signing “eat” now — she bangs her fist up by her mouth. It is hard to say since she only does it every now and then. All I know is she is trying to tell me something!

I went to another consignment sale today (really gotta love those things). In addition to picking up some really cute clothes, I picked up a xylophone for her. She is pretty quick — after gnawing on the mallet for a few seconds, she discovered that hard thing could also be used to make lots of noise. Hilarity ensued from there.

Here she is telling me she is done with pictures (“Daddy save me”). If you look closely, you may be able to distinguish one of her top teeth.


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Mobility is Cool!

Brianna is quite active these days. She crawls quite well now, and has given up the army crawl for the more traditional hands and knees crawl. She doesn’t seem much interested in crawling to Jason or me (she would rather we come to her), but she will spend quite a bit of time bouncing her ball and crawling after it. Leia is slowly learning that Brianna can move now, and will come after her. He-he! Sky is very tolerant and lets her pet him, at least for a bit. She stands quite well and has gotten pretty good at pulling herself up, as you can see below. Don’t worry, the rail is normally up on the crib (it is a little easier to see her this way, don’t you think?). She now greets us this way every time she wakes up.



She has started signing milk (ALL the time) and says “buh” whenever seated in her chair — this means she wants puffs. She also says moo, boo, woo, and pretty much anything with an “oo” sound. Right now, “ba” is serving dual purpose with ball and book. I am told this will continue until she learns to grade her jaw (try it — can you make an oo sound in book with your mouth all the way open or all the way closed??). For now she just makes “open jaw” and “closed jaw” sounds (thanks Amy!). Interesting factoid of the day: her jaw grading ability will develop along side her thumb grading ability (only opening her hand enough to do what she needs to do instead of wide open all the time). Cool stuff!

She has a bit of a cough/runny nose right now, but so far no fever and very little activity/sleep disruption. She is a trooper!

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In Stores Now

NASCAR Kart Racing is in stores now. Buy as many copies as you feel you can afford. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes. :)



To commemorate the herculean feat of creating a new game in less than a year with about a dozen core people, our team took the picture below.


“What’s with the yellow pole?” you may ask. That’s our unofficial mascot. You can also see the coveted studio championship belt. So anyway, we had fun making this game, and we hope you have fun playing it … and we hope you spend money buying it … no, really. 😉

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Our little Valentine was an absolute ANGEL today. We went to the mall to get some lunch and left with enough time to get her home for her nap. Apparently, however, the mall was “the” place to be this afternoon. It took us 30 minutes just to get out of the parking lot (at one point we crawled along at a pace of about 1 foot per minute)! Through it all Brianna just chatted and babbled and played with her toys. We finally arrived home way after nap time, but she took it all in stride and went right down with no fuss. Just as her shirt says, she is a sweetie!

I am also adding this picture from a couple of days ago just because I think she looks so cute…


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Go Heels!


As you can see, Brianna is ready for her first Carolina/Duke Game! Of course, just in case you were wondering where her real loyalties are, I am including the following picture. That is one of her FAVORITE books! She got a little cranky when I did not put the camera down immediately to read it to her.


But, for tonight and any other time the Tarheels are NOT playing the Gators, we say Go Heels!

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Two Front Teeth

Well, you can finally see Brianna’s bottom front teeth. They both came in around the beginning of the year, but it was hard to get a picture of them until recently.
Her top front teeth came in this past weekend, but you can’t see them yet!



I also captured this darling picture — I believe she was talking some Duke smack in preparation for the big game tomorrow night!


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Beautiful Day!

It has been absolutely beautiful outside this weekend — highs in the low 70s, light breeze, and lots of sunshine. Today we drove out to campus to walk around and enjoy the weather. Brianna had a blast! We sat on the lawn playing and doing some people watching.



And some puppy watching (two dogs off-screen are playing and having a marvelous time!


Brianna wore her Carolina shorts and Carolina blue socks in honor of the big game this week (Go Heels!). Of course, we could not leave the Gators out, so she wore her Gator shirt, too.


We finished off our trip with a visit to the Old Well. It was a great day!


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Ten Months Old


Yesterday, this little rascal turned 10 months old. It was a very cold day so we bundled up before going out. She is growing fast (18 lbs as of this morning), and is starting to move even faster. She pulls up on just about anything she can get her hands on, regardless of whether or not that object is stable.


She still doesn’t crawl in the traditional sense. Instead, she has settled on the army crawl — keeping a low profile is important when you are hunting kitties!

She continues to eat pretty much whatever we give her, including newly added carrots, green beans, and even leeks. She even likes her peas now, preferably mixed with applesauce and a touch of apricot. She is not a huge fan of cauliflower or zucchini, but that may be because of texture. The doctor recommends that we try cutting up small pieces of these food items and seeing if she will eat them that way. We will try that soon. She does love to eat puffs, particularly peach puffs, and will also eat small cut up pieces of banana and carrots. Next up are blueberries, spinach, and turkey.


Her favorite activities these days include squeaking the ladybug on her play mat (see above), crawling over to various books, picking them up, and handing them to us to read to her (very sweet),turning the pages of her books, saying bye-bye all the time (even when she really means hello), playing with her activity center, playing peek-a-boo (no assistance needed from Mommy or Daddy other than the actual words), knocking over any structure we make with her blocks, and mooing. Yes mooing. She moos whenever I moo at her, and as of last night, she moos when she sees her toy cow. Oh, and she loves (and I do mean loves) cables/strings/cords of all shapes and sizes. It is a bit difficult to practice the piano these days unless Jason is home b/c she gets into everything (the phone cord, Jason’s guitar cords, etc.)! Needless to say, we have started baby-proofing the house.

Here is one last picture — she was very puzzled as to how she was going to get her hands on that caterpillar…


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