15 Months

I decided to wait until after her 15 month checkup to do her 15 month post. We went yesterday, and while this visit went better than the last one, she still was NOT happy to be there or to be poked and prodded. I believe she is merely doing what all of us wish we could do when we go to the doctor! Anyway, everything looks great! She is 29.5″ tall (25%), and weighs 21.8 lbs (35%). She has 12 teeth now, and I think a couple more may be working their way through (lots, and lots of drooling these days!). She still takes two naps a day and generally sleeps 11 – 12 hours at night. Yay!

She says ~30 words, and I would say most people would understand almost half of them (e.g., nana, mama, daddy, pup-pup, no, uh-oh, please, etc.). She even has a couple of two “word” phrases (more please and milk please) – I put word in quotations because the milk please is a combo of words and sign language. Regardless, she is communicating! I love this picture – it is as if she is saying, are you getting this on film?


She walks great and loves stepping up and down. Her favorite activities these days are reading her books, playing with balls, and running around with her various “push” toys. She still eats really well and she loves, loves, loves blueberries. I think she would eat her weight in blueberries if we let her! She is starting to feed herself – I got a kick out of watching her yesterday while she took a piece of peach and put it on a spoon before trying to eat it. The peach generally falls off the spoon because she doesn’t hold the spoon right, but she tries!

We have had a lot of fun lately going to the museum of natural sciences. We have now been through the whole place, and Brianna prefers the sea life sections, particularly the live fish. Here she is waving at the fish. :)


Still ,she seemed particularly fascinated with this exhibit of a bird eating spider. ewwwwww!


We plan to go back often, as well as check out the other local museums. I also hope to take her to an aquarium and the zoo when we get a chance to take a little road trip.

All in all, she is doing great! We may be biased, but we think she is still an angel and an absolute delight to be around.

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The past two weekends we have had lots of visitors. Over the holiday weekend, Tatie Kat came to visit, and this weekend, Grandma & Grandpa, and Great Grandma & Great Grandpa came to visit. The first picture below is a little blurry, but it was just too cute to pass up. You can’t tell, but she was patting her belly after filling it full of dinner.


In this picture, she is playing “hat” with Grandpa’s ball cap. As you can see, she is vastly amused with herself!


Brianna is still working on being more sociable and overcoming her recent bout of shyness/separation anxiety, but she is getting better. She let everyone hold her for at least a little, and she gave out several kisses and grinned with everyone. All in all, I would say she had a great time and enjoyed all the attention.

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If Brianna really likes her food, she often ends up wearing as much as she eats. As you can see, she really liked her peaches and her black beans tonight!


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