Mobility is Cool!

Brianna is quite active these days. She crawls quite well now, and has given up the army crawl for the more traditional hands and knees crawl. She doesn’t seem much interested in crawling to Jason or me (she would rather we come to her), but she will spend quite a bit of time bouncing her ball and crawling after it. Leia is slowly learning that Brianna can move now, and will come after her. He-he! Sky is very tolerant and lets her pet him, at least for a bit. She stands quite well and has gotten pretty good at pulling herself up, as you can see below. Don’t worry, the rail is normally up on the crib (it is a little easier to see her this way, don’t you think?). She now greets us this way every time she wakes up.



She has started signing milk (ALL the time) and says “buh” whenever seated in her chair — this means she wants puffs. She also says moo, boo, woo, and pretty much anything with an “oo” sound. Right now, “ba” is serving dual purpose with ball and book. I am told this will continue until she learns to grade her jaw (try it — can you make an oo sound in book with your mouth all the way open or all the way closed??). For now she just makes “open jaw” and “closed jaw” sounds (thanks Amy!). Interesting factoid of the day: her jaw grading ability will develop along side her thumb grading ability (only opening her hand enough to do what she needs to do instead of wide open all the time). Cool stuff!

She has a bit of a cough/runny nose right now, but so far no fever and very little activity/sleep disruption. She is a trooper!

Posted Monday, February 23rd, 2009 at 8:23 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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