11 Months (a little late)

I really need to do better about getting these “age” posts up on time – she changes so quickly these days, I find it hard to remember sometimes where she was at! Here she is at exactly 11 months old.


As of the doctor appointment she had closest to her 11 month birthday, M weighed a little over 19 lbs. She was sick most of December and not much interested in food, so she lost some weight. By the end of December she was just starting to gain it back. She mostly wears 9 month clothes, tho she does still fit into a few 6 month outfits, and can wear some 12 month outfits (as long as they are truly 12 months). She seems to be gaining about 1 lb./month. As for shoes, well let’s just say she doesn’t like them or socks very much. She will leave them on occasionally, but mostly she pulls them off immediately. Even when her feet are cold, she seems to prefer nothing on her feet.

She is a very good eater, as long as the food you are offering consists of baby food (preferably food with carrots, blueberries, squash, pumpkin, bananas, or apples in it). While she loves carrots, we tend to limit that food option b/c it gives her a rash. Finger food? Pfffftt! NOT interested (unless it is french fries). We haven’t added much to her menu, mostly because she won’t yet tolerate the texture of homemade baby food, and there are only so many non-sweet potato, non-oatmeal choices out there.

Her mobility is pretty good, but she is not interested in crawling. Instead, she would prefer to scooch on her but. Basically, she uses her feet to pull her butt along the floor. She also really likes to stand, and prefers to walk around quite a bit. Her steps have improved dramatically in the short time since she started demanding to be helped up. She does not pull up on many things, mostly because the vast majority of her options (at least in her mind) are too tall or don’t have a good place for her to grab on to. She has tried crawling once or twice. I can’t tell if she doesn’t like it, or if she finds it too hard, or what, but she is not interested and just doesn’t bother. I suspect she will be walking soon, so I doubt she will ever crawl much. Here she is doing one of her favorite activities…holding our hands while she walks around.


She LOVES playing with Brianna, and she is also pretty good at entertaining herself for small stretches of time (e.g., 15 min or so). During those stretches, her favorite activities are her exersaucer, her activity center, and her farm/barnyard toys. She also loves music, and activates her musical toys (or make us do it) as much as possible. She will dance and sway and bob her head to all the songs. At Kindermusik (she tags along with B), she claps and taps the various instruments with a big smile on her face. B loves Kindermusik, but I sometimes wonder if M will like it even more.

with her activity center:

with her favorite Christmas music toys:

having fun at Kindermusik:

She is very vocal – says hi repeatedly to pretty much anyone in her “sphere.” Strangers, family, friends…they are all good. “Hi” and “hi there” are her favorite phrases, tho she rarely ever says “bye.” “Da-da” and “Daddy” are two other huge favorites. Right now pretty much all three of us get addressed with da-da, but it is noticeably different when she says it to Jason. She typically waves hi, bye, and good night. She also uses the “all done” sign (waving both hands) to communicate a wide variety of options, including all done, more, and I don’t want that. It can get confusing.

Her nights have been quite unpredictable with all her illnesses. When well, she generally sleeps from 8 PM – 7:30 AM. When sick, she wakes up anywhere from 2-4 times a night. ugh! At school, just like Brianna, she sleeps very little. But at home, she generally takes a cat nap in the morning (~30 min) and then a good 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. Even when sick, she almost always takes a great afternoon nap. YAY! As laid back as she is in general, she really (REALLY) does not like being sick, and really, really, REALLY does not like having a stuffed up nose. And she will tell you exactly how she feels…right in your ear…

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