Christmas 2009


We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We certainly did. We started the weekend before Christmas, when Jason’s folks and sister visited us. Jason and I enjoyed a date night (St. Jacques!)/Christmas party night on Saturday, and then we celebrated Christmas on Sunday. Brianna started the fun by helping to hand out all the presents – she was a great helper, and handed out more than half of the presents!


Then we opened presents and just had a great time with his family. Brianna got so many wonderful things, I can’t even begin to list or show photos of them all. She is a very lucky girl. And, we are very lucky that she deviated from the normal child-present-frenzy, and decided it was more fun to play extensively with just about every item! Interestingly, one of her favorite “presents” (at least until she exhausted its capability for fun) was the bubble wrap that surrounded one of her wooden puzzles! She had a great time stomping all of those bubbles and making all that popping noise!! Here she is opening a present, looking at the calendar of Brianna pictures with Tia, and playing with her fastener toy (Nana made her a board of fasteners, e.g., zippers, buttons, snaps, velcro, buckles, magnets, etc., for her to play with because she is just fascinated by fasteners!).




Brianna even had some fun with my presents – here she is wearing my new inline skating helmet to protect her precious head while she has a snack…


On Christmas Eve, we opened our presents to each other and our presents from my Dad’s side of the family. Apparently, I didn’t take any still shots of this and instead only shot Flip video. You can make snapshots with the Flip footage, but it is a little harder since I tend to do photos on the PC and video on the Mac, so you will have to settle for these shots. In the first, Brianna is playing with her new MP3 player, and in the second Brianna is wearing her new outfit from Grandma and Grandpa, and pushing her dolly around in her shopping cart from Aunt Sherry and Uncle Jim.



On Christmas Day, we headed to my Aunt Kathy’s house in Virginia and visited with my Mom, my Aunt, and my Grandmother. Since everyone was just arriving on Christmas day, we saved all stockings and presents for the day after Christmas. Here is Brianna opening her stocking with her daddy – Santa was very good to her!


After stockings, we moved straight on to presents. Here she is playing with her new tea set.


Unfortunately, one of the funniest presents she got does not translate to still shots very well – she got new patent leather “mary janes” that have places on the toes where you can fasten different color bows (she got orange and blue bows, red and white bows, and pink and black bows), and that squeak! Yes, with every step, my little angels shoes squeak, squeak, squeak. It is hysterical! While in a store just today, Jason was watching Brianna while I took care of a couple of things. The entire time, I knew exactly where they were because I could hear her shoes!

Brianna made out like a bandit and has been having a wonderful time playing with all of her new books, puzzles, and toys. I think she even likes the new clothes (I know I sure do!). We are home now, and re-establishing some semblance of a normal routine. At least as normal as you can get, when the little munchkin in the house “discovers” a new and wonderful something to play with every time she turns around!

Posted Thursday, December 31st, 2009 at 5:33 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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