20.5 Months


Obviously, I am a tad late with her 20 month update. Would you believe that we were too traumatized by the beat-down Bama handed the Gators to speak coherently for a couple of weeks? Well, that is my story and I am sticking to it! Brianna assures us the Gators will rebound against Cincinnati!


We may have been greatly disappointed by the Gators, but that did not stop us from having lots of fun getting ready for Christmas! But first, let me tell you about some of her latest accomplishments. Her speech continues to improve by leaps and bounds everyday. Some new words are Christmas tree (mishmus tree), Santa Claus (tanta cus), turkey (gobble-gobble), diaper (generally in terms of “no diper!”), Merry Christmas (memmy mishmus). Some favorite things to talk about are daddy’s car, her babies, the gators, and her books. Jason’s folks are here (hence my ability to do this extended blog!) and she is even calling them by name.

She has also started basic counting. She often says one-two, and lately, she generally wants two of everything (two crackers, two lights, two blocks, etc.).


At first, I think she used two to generally refer to more than one. But in the last couple of days, I have noticed that she says “one” while stacking a block, and then says “two” when stacking the next block. Of course, she then starts over with “one” for the next block, but I am pretty impressed!


While she has not yet said one-two-three, I know she knows three…I often count to three when I am trying to get her to behave and before I get to two or three, she often says “no two!” or “no tee”!! It is pretty hard to keep a straight face after that…

She has also started singing songs – Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Rock-A-Bye Baby, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, and Jingle Bells are her current favorites. I haven’t yet caught it on film, but she has been known to sing row, row, row your boat to her babies…very precious. She really, really likes Jingle Bells – at first she would say jingle bells whenever she wanted to hear Christmas music. She still does that, but now there are times when she literally means she wants to hear the actual song, Jingle Bells – any version is acceptable!

She is becoming more interested in putting things together (leggos, stacking blocks, etc.) and is really starting to try to become more independent. While she can’t quite manage it yet, she often wants to try to put on her own shoes and socks, and she loves to wipe up messes – some of which she creates on purpose, just so she can then wipe them up.

She is also much, much more aware of the camera, and quite particular about when she will cooperate. She even knows what to do when someone says “say cheese,” with this being the result:

Posted Saturday, December 19th, 2009 at 3:17 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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