Eight Months Old

It is hard to believe that our little munchkin is eight months old already! We are having a blast with her. Here she is in her jammies with her bunny slippers. In this picture in particular, I think you can see why I keep saying she has Jason’s eyes.


She is still fairly stationary, but she spins more and more every day. I am told that one day, she will just get it and start crawling. For now, she loves to play on her play mat and in her exersaucer and pack-n-play. She bangs/shakes things (measuring cups, spoons, rattles of all sorts, etc.), talks to her toys/stuffed animals, and generally gnaws on everything. No teeth yet, but I am pretty sure she is working on it (really, gnaws on everything!). We have added applesauce, real oatmeal, acorn and butternut squash, peas, and pears to her diet. She still eats/drinks everything we give her (picture a little birdie) and is growing fast! In fact, she is quite impatient when it comes to food. We keep her out of the kitchen whenever we are preparing a bottle or solid food (whenever possible) because if she sees us working on food for her, she gets quite loud and insistent!

She currently weighs ~16 lbs. I know I said last month she was 26.75″ long, but I think that was a mistake. Not only was that seemingly too big of a differential from October’s measurement, but today’s measurement came in at 26.5″ and I am pretty sure she did not shrink. :)

For several weeks she has slept through the night with no problems (anywhere from 10 to 12 hours every night). Lately she does wake up wet, but I will happily put clean sheets on her crib every day if she keeps sleeping through the night. We have tried several things, including double diapering, to help keep her dry, but no luck. Somehow, she is “leaking” out the top of her diaper. She still does not take great naps at daycare (2 to 3 naps anywhere from 25 to 60 minutes each), but she naps great at home. Generally, she is awake 1.5 to 2 hours and then she takes a nap for 1 to 2.5 hours.

She loves to laugh (and we love doing things to make her laugh), and she loves to dance/bounce with us. Her new trick is clapping and giving high/low fives. She will clap pretty much on cue, but the high and low fives are reserved for special occasions (logic known only to her). I was unable to get a picture of her giving a high five, but here she is clapping. As you can see, she is quite amused by it all!


Posted Saturday, December 6th, 2008 at 1:43 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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