
We hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!! We had a quiet and very nice first Thanksgiving with Brianna. Instead of out-of-town visitors, we had a couple friends over for dinner. We split the cooking and came up with a very nice feast (turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, asparagus, homemade rolls, cranberry jello salad, and pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting). Brianna was an absolute angel all day — lots of long naps to help us get things done, and lots of happy faces and sounds while awake. She slept through our dinner, which enabled us to focus on our friends. We of course gave her lots of attention before and after dinner! Here she is in an absolutely adorable outfit one of my friends gave her. I love the red bows on the jacket and the embroidery on the jacket and pants!


As for her latest “tricks,” she loves to spin around and push herself backwards on her belly, and she loves banging things (measuring cups, spoons, lids, plastic blocks, whatever). She also loves when we clap her hands for her, but she hasn’t quite decided to do this herself yet. I am beginning to wonder if my baby girl is like her grandfather or my grandfathers — they all loved food and different kinds of food and so far she is just like them. She gets very excited when she sees a bottle or sees me making her some food. I often have Jason take her out of the room while I prepare her meal because she is very impatient with the whole process. She eats every bite and seems to love it all (so far, that includes cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, acorn squash, applesauce, and bananas). Next up: pears and peas… Here she is doing her favorite post-meal activity: gnaw on bib, throw bib on the floor, wait for Mommy or Daddy to pick it up, repeat…


Posted Saturday, November 29th, 2008 at 2:26 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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