Please Wear Your Pants

As Jenn already mentioned, we toured the maternity ward at the hospital. Near the end of the tour, the nurse asked the guys to please keep our pants on while staying with the new mother in the hospital. I don’t mean she asked us to please be patient and stay calm. I mean she literally asked us to please wear pants at all times while wandering around the hospital. She did more than ask, really. She implored us, for the sake of all the nurses. Please wear pants.

Apparently, it’s not unheard of for a nurse to come around the corner and see someone’s husband in his underwear (or less). I imagine this leads to some awkward exchanges. So, I will do my best to remember to cover up while at the hospital. :)

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Beard Growing Contest

My office recently had a beard-growing contest, the Fortnight-Long Beard Challenge. “Why a beard-growing contest?” you may ask. Well, it’s just one part of the larger Mountain Man Challenge.

“Mountain Man Challenge?”

Yep. Mountain Man Challenge.

My office currently has just seven guys with no gals to keep us in line. That occasionally leads to some silliness. As I recall, our manager was bragging (jokingly) about his toughness, and our fresh-out-of-college guy disagreed and basically called him a sissy boy. And so the Mountain Man Challenge was born, to prove our manliness.

It is at this point when people inevitably ask, “Do you guys get any work done?” Yes, we are actually quite serious about our work, but we like to have fun, too.

Anyway, I didn’t win the beard contest. Booooooo. The guy who won does have a thicker beard than I do, but I think I should have gotten bonus points for going to Jenn’s formal office Christmas party without shaving. That’s commitment.

Here is a picture at the end of the contest.

beard contest

I’m trying to give a tough-guy look for extra manliness. You be the judge. :)

Next up in the Mountain Man Challenge: log rolling, or maybe axe throwing.

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Keeping the Car?

Several people have asked if I’m keeping the car once baby comes.

Yes. Yes I am.

Nobody believes me, but I will keep it. My will is strong. :)


Just look at it. Is that not the most beautiful machine you have ever beheld? And Jenn is fine with keeping it, so what’s the problem?

Okay, I admit the impracticalities of having a car that the child shouldn’t ride in until he or she is 13 years old (at least according to the NHTSA), due to no back seat and no switch to disable the passenger-side air bag. However, the plan is to keep an old car around that has a back seat. And Jennifer’s car will have a back seat, as well.

So, the S2000 may become more of a weekend-only car, but I’m definitely keeping it. Roadsters are in my blood. My dad owned a Fiat 124 Spider when I was growing up that he eventually gave me in college. That car was practically a member of the family, as far as I was concerned. My S2000’s light-blue color is partially an homage to that beloved Fiat. My hope is that Baby will eventually be equally fond of the S2000.

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Jenn at 22 Weeks

Here is a picture of Jenn taken today (December 9, 2007). She is currently between 22 and 23 weeks pregnant.


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Another Ultrasound

And here is yet another ultrasound picture.


This one is from November 2, 2007. Jenn was around 17 weeks pregnant at this appointment.

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Here is another ultrasound picture.


This one is from September 26, 2007, at our second ultrasound. Jenn was between 11 and 12 weeks pregnant at this appointment. Compared with the image from September 5, 2007, a lot has happened in three weeks.

Check out the Drumroll Please post to see the previous ultrasound.

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Drumroll Please

Jennifer and I are very excited to announce that Jennifer is pregnant and we are expecting our first child in April (around April 10, 2008, to be exact-ish).


The above image is from September 5, 2007, at our first ultrasound. Jenn was between eight and nine weeks pregnant at this appointment. You can see why some parents start calling the baby “peanut” or “jellybean”.

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Hi Everybody

We’ve started a blog. Stay tuned.

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