Miscellaneous February

February has been soooooo busy, so first I am going to do a miscellaneous post to cover the first couple of weeks. I’ll start with this photo just because I think it is so cute – M always dresses in bright colors (sometimes matching, sometimes not), but B decided to join her on this particular day.

I am enjoying this colorful phase as long as I can – M’s clothing issues can be frustrating at times, but the bright colors often make up for it!

Let’s see, at the beginning of February we went to the doctor for M’s annual checkup. She was not particularly excited about the upcoming doctor visit (she unfortunately remembered past sick visits), so B got out her doctor kit and showed M all the things Dr. L would do (and pretty much covered them all precisely).

B and I tacitly agreed to not discuss the dreaded “s” word (shot) in front of M, but it turns out we didn’t need to bother – no shots this time! M did great and we all went to Chikfila to celebrate (M’s choice).

B also earned her second blue belt stripe – yay! Next up: Green belt test at the end of the month!

We also visited my friend Tami so the girls could learn about growing microgreens (Tami has a microgreens business, and she supplies many of the local restaurants). M was seemingly more interested in Tami’s cats and Tami’s daughter’s cool bed, but B had a great time sampling and learning how to grow her own microgreens.



Success! After a week, this is what we had (sweet peas on the left, corn in the middle, and sunflowers on the right). Yum!

That pretty much covers the first week and a half of February! Next up: a visit to Texas.

Posted Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 at 9:01 pm
Filed Under Category: Brianna, Mackenzie
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