21 Months!


This little pistol is already 21 months! B and I regularly ask: where did our itty bitty go? I’ll tell you where she went…she went around the corner to explore/get into something so you had better chase after her! When you come tearing around the corner to see what she is up to, you may find her playing calmly with her shoes or books, or you may find her pushing buttons on the stereo, or you just may find her snuggling with someone…


Fortunately for me, I generally find her in the same vicinity as B, and B is really good about making sure M doesn’t get into too much trouble before alerting me. :) They are the best of sisters!


This is the special smile she pretty much has just for B…

She went through a brief stage where she refused to pose for pictures, but thankfully she is mostly over that now. We still have to make lots of funny faces, but she is fairly cooperative…most of the time…except when she wants to play monster…

She still generally wakes up once a night or so – typically bc she lost her bink and is none too pleased about it. She also wakes up earlier than B (or anyone else for that matter), and she isn’t quite as willing to hang out and babble or play to herself for long stretches of time, but she is pretty good. Poor B bears the brunt of it tho. Most mornings, we hear M calling out to B (B-B!) trying to get B to get up and play with her. I often walk in to get her only to see B hiding under her pillows. :) Even with all that, B is a very good sport about it and rarely fusses.

M is still picky with food, but seems more interested in trying/eating different things if she has a spoon. One of her more peculiar traits is how she will refuse to eat something outright, but will often decide she loves it if you can just manage to get that first bite in her mouth. She LOVES canned green beans. *sigh* I suppose that just makes it easier to feed all three of them veggies (everyone but me likes canned green beans). We also recently discovered that she loves creamy garlic sauce. Who knew?

Her vocabulary has really taken off (though pretty much only the three of us (and B more than J or me) understand her most of the time). Go Gators is a regular mantra (alas, it isn’t working very well right now). While she has advanced to 3-5 word sentences, she still heavily relies on the point and call method (e.g., point at the desired object and say “B-B” or “mommy” in the hopes we will retrieve it for her). She recently started saying “wack-a-doooo” at the end of pretty much any song (J has done that with both girls since birth) – it is adorable. And whenever it is time to clean up she sings “______ away, ______ away” while she puts ______ away. She has also started counting along with us and generally makes it up to five before she gets distracted. She doesn’t really appear to have any favorite songs yet, but she does get testy if I try to change the radio station away from classic rock.

Her mobility is pretty good, which is necessary, of course, if she wants to keep up with B. She seems pretty capable at our local playground, though she often comes to close to the side of the bridge or one of the openings for my comfort. Like B, she tears across that bridge without any thought to how wobbly it is – yay! She is also pretty good at the bouncy houses, though personally, I wish she was a little less fond of the crazy sections. She loves to go where the craziest and biggest kids are – I assume because they make everything more bouncy! They are generally pretty careful around her, but I have seen them fall within inches of her without her even blinking.

Favorite toys/games still include anything that stacks, B’s cars, playing chase with the grocery carts and stroller with B, riding her tricycle, coloring, and according to her teacher at school, playing with baby dolls. She is always on the move, and extremely curious about everything. I am pretty sure we NEED all three of us just to keep up with her!

Posted Sunday, November 3rd, 2013 at 1:24 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby 2, Brianna, Mackenzie
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