Mackenzie – 10 months (super late)

I know I haven’t posted much. I know I missed M’s 10 month birthday. But it has been a rough few weeks. I got a stomach bug a couple of days before M’s 10 month birthday, so I’m sure you can appreciate why it might have slipped my mind. But, here she is a couple of days before that auspicious day.


Shortly after M turned 9 months, she started saying “hi” (hear it in your head like “hiiiiiiiiii” with a long southern drawl). She pretty much would (and still does) say hi (complete with wave) to anyone who came near you. We concede that you say da-da and hi, while your teacher also swears she has heard you say thank you and gator. We continued with our food experiments – she tried with no ill effects chia seeds, green beans, mangoes, quinoa, prunes, and coconut milk. She is still completely and totally NOT interested in any kind of finger food. She typically takes a short snooze in the AM, and takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon when home. When at school, well, let’s just say you are following in B’s footsteps. She is becoming more mobile – when she really wants something, she will do some combination of rolling and scooching (mostly backwards) to get from point A to point B. In one month, her four front top teeth came in – wow! She handled it like a champ!

Posted Sunday, December 16th, 2012 at 3:55 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby 2, Mackenzie
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