9 Months Old (Already!)


Look who’s 9 months old already! I will fill in her weight and height here when we see the pediatrician this week.

There have been some big changes this past month. Most recently, she has started to clap, particularly when one of us enthusiastically claps at her. Big sister is quite impressed.
She does not do much scooting yet, but she certainly spins around and rolls a lot. It is officially no longer safe to just set her somewhere.

Several people, including B, claim she has said Dada. I put it in the calendar, but Jason doesn’t think it counts yet. He wants her to say it on cue before he will concede she actually means him. I admit, it is hard to tell since she spends a lot of time saying da-da-da-da-da, and ga-ga-ga-ga. We have been working on sign language with her (eat, milk, more, mama, dada) , but so far she just watches us, and sometimes just grins at us.


We are thrilled she is finally eating solid food. Not only is she eating solid food, she inhales solid food. Once she decided food was pretty good, she became quite enamored with all that yummy goodness. So far, she has tried peas, spinach, pears, apples, carrots, squash, bananas, blueberries, and broccoli without any complaints. She appears to take issue with any foods having texture (puffs, cheerios, homemade peas, or baby cereal). I am just thrilled she will now eat (without fighting it, and without throwing it up)! Two weeks ago, she literally went from hating the very thought to gobbling it all down over night. Her pediatrician will be thrilled!

She fairly consistently sleeps through the night from 7:45-8 to 6:30-7:30. Even if she wakes up at 6:30 she generally lays quietly, talks to herself, or falls back asleep until 7:30. Yay! During the day she generally takes a short nap in the morning, and a long nap (2-3 hours) in the afternoon when at home. At school she generally takes 3 naps ranging any where from 15 minutes to 1 hour each. I think she would nap more like B did at that age if we were home more in the morning (B always has us on the go!). But unlike B, she will sleep when we are out and about, especially if I put her in her carrier.

We tried to capture her holding the number 9…very tricky since she just wanted to chew on it (she still only has two teeth, but she must be trying to cut some more).





She was not impressed with the kitty ears…

Growing so fast…it is hard to keep up with all of her changes, but we are sure enjoying every minute!

Posted Sunday, October 28th, 2012 at 8:37 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby 2, Brianna, Mackenzie
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