8 Months!


Mackenzie is 8 months old already! I don’t know what she weighs or how tall she is, she is definitely growing!. When she is home with us, she takes a morning cat nap, and a marathon afternoon nap (~3 hours). When at school, she sleeps MUCH less, though we are hopeful that a new-found fondness for sleeping on her tummy just might change that.

At night, she more or less sleeps from 8-7:30 (though about half the time she wakes up and fusses because she can’t find her bink), and we have officially eliminated the dream feed. We stopped the dream feed while she was sick because every time I picked her up to feed her she started coughing, and would continue coughing for another 60-90 minutes, keeping all three of us awake (B was blissfully unaware). So, why disturb a sleeping, non-coughing baby when, as we discovered, she didn’t need that last feed anymore. Yay!

She is more or less still exclusively nursing/bottle fed. We are very slowly trying new foods. It is hard because I won’t feed her solid food in the evening because don’t want to discover right before bedtime that I am going to have to sleep in her room because she is getting sick. So, we introduce new foods on the weekends and on Tuesdays/Thursdays. It is not her idea of a good time. She just doesn’t like the taste and/or texture. Though she watches us very closely when we eat, and seems interested. Our last effort was carrots. That went O.k., but then she got a nasty diaper rash (which may have had nothing to do with the carrots). We will try again and see if it comes back.


Mommy, I might leave my headband alone if you give me my bink…


She is very active and loves to talk, and she LOVES her big sister. They giggle and make each other laugh…warms our hearts. Though, M is still 100% a momma’s girl. She will play with B, but prefers to do so while being held by Mommy. When I ask her “where’s momma?” she often pats my arm or chest and grins like a loon. If I try to put her down or hand her to someone else, she objects. Loudly. We are working on it.

She has also started playing with her toys to specifically make noises (shaking her rattles to hear the noise, turning her rainmaker over to see/hear the balls fall, banging two objects together, etc.), and she loves it when I clap her hands together.

She is still mostly stationary, but she will lurch to try to reach things, and I am told she is starting to scoot at school. I am curious to see if she ends up crawling, or if she skips the whole thing (like B) and goes straight to walking. We shall see!

Posted Monday, October 15th, 2012 at 6:23 am
Filed Under Category: Baby 2, Mackenzie
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