Last Set of Visitors


During the first 7 weeks of Mackenzie’s life, we were so very fortunate to have family in town to help out for all but 8 days!! Before our last set of visitors arrived, we had a week with just the four of us. It went pretty well! That was the same week as the anniversary of Dr. Seuss’s 100th birthday, and to celebrate, B wore red and black to school.

Since B has declared that pictures are only allowed on Fridays, we took advantage of the opportunity to get a shot with her and Jason.

The last set of visitors, Nana and Poppa, just left a few days ago. We had a wonderful visit! Poppa was first up to hold Mackenzie (who promptly took a nap on his chest).

Then Nana took a turn, with the same result.

Brianna had a great time showing off her new favorite activity – yoga!


There was lots of play time with Nana and Poppa, but all these visitors also means more play time with Daddy!

I went out with my girlfriends one night, and Mackenzie was just too hungry to wait for me to get home. Thankfully, once she figured out it wasn’t the bink in her mouth, her first bottle was a big success!

Best of all, she graced us with her first smile (thought it took a while for us to catch it on camera).

It was great to see them and they, like all our other visitors, were a huge help! Thank you everyone!!

Posted Saturday, March 17th, 2012 at 8:23 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby 2, Brianna, Mackenzie
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