
Last year, B was very shy and would only go up to each door if we carried her, and would only say trick-or-treat and thank you if we prompted her. Fast forward to this year – she marched up to each door, rang the door bell, said her “lines” and quickly moved onto the next house. She loved everything about trick-or-treating! While I could have done without the rain, I am not sure she even noticed. The next morning, she told me she wanted to do it again, and was quite disappointed when I told her she had to wait a whole year. She thinks each season should have trick-or-treating… :)

Here are some pics from her big day. The day started with lots of fun at school, including games, a Halloween party, and a Halloween parade.

Getting ready to go…The sweet witch…

The scary witch…

With Grandma and Grandpa…

With Mommy and Daddy…

Can we go yet???

Yay, Hawke (the great white shark) is here!


We only stayed out about an hour (I think she could have gone for at least another hour), but she got a pretty good take. As she kept commenting, “my candy is heavy!”

Posted Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011 at 6:57 am
Filed Under Category: Brianna
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