The Fair!

We recently took B to our local fair. Last year she was too small for most rides, and quite frankly, not interested in much other than the merry-go-round (though after some encouragement she did try and seem to enjoy a few others). This year was a whole different story. She pretty much wanted to ride everything, and if possible, she wanted to do it by herself. No encouragement required.

We started with the merry-go-round (which she rode twice). As you can see, she is already looking ahead to the next ride…

Next she wanted to do the little boat ride (“all by myself!”).

After that, she moved on to the jalopy ride (again, “all by myself!”). In the first picture, she is objecting to all the pictures I am taking…


Then came the slide…the gigantic slide (~50′ in the air) that I was convinced she would not go down. She wanted to do this one by herself too, but she is not yet big enough. She almost pitched a fit, but finally acquiesced. Three times!! She went down this huge slide three times, and would have gone more if we had let her!



Then came the interesting part. Her next ride of choice was the Kraft Macaroni & Cheese equivalent of the teacups (or the strawberries) – aka a roundy-round ride. Jason refuses to ride on anything that goes round and round, especially with me (admittedly, I’ll spin that thing like a crazy person). But, B insisted on riding it, I am not allowed on that ride right now, and B was not big enough to go by herself. What is a Daddy to do? Why ride the ride of course (although he did not tell her that the “steering wheel” in the middle would make the cup spin…)!

Then she headed off to another one – a fire engine that rotates high up into the air. I was shocked she wanted to do that one too, but she loved it!


By this point, we only had enough tickets left to ride one more ride (much to her dismay). She chose a worm ride that she had to ride by herself – both Jason and I are considered to be too tall to ride it.

To distract her from her disappointment about the end of the rides, we took her over to the games and told her to pick one. She picked fishing, and won two fish. She was so proud!


She did GREAT (and that includes walking at least 15 minutes to and from the car), and had a great time! Best fair experience ever!

Posted Thursday, October 20th, 2011 at 3:39 pm
Filed Under Category: Brianna
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