Summer has Arrived…

It is HOT out there. So, rather than deal with all that heat, we decided to head to B’s favorite museum for some fun. I think she spent more than 30 minutes playing in the kitchen section – mostly making smoothies and cutting up fruit and veggies.


Then at least another 30 minutes was spent playing with the giant leggos. Here she is with her “house.”

But the vast majority of time was spent in the pizza parlor – just call her Chef B!

Tossing her pizza crust way up high…

Putting her pizza in the oven…

All done!

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This past week Brianna participated in a linguistics study regarding comprehension of passives in 3-5 year old kids. This study will help Halley (a co-worker’s fiancee) get her masters degree in linguistics. Brianna’s part involved listening to a series of short stories with pictures (not surprisingly, the stories had lots of passives in them). After each story, Halley would ask Rex the puppet to tell something he remembers from the story. After Rex answered, it was Brianna’s job to say whether Rex was correct or not by giving him the small blue sucker if he was wrong and the big red sucker if he was right. Her comprehension of passives is measured based on whether or not she correctly assessed the accuracy of Rex’s sentence.

B checking out Rex (Mommy – he has big teeth!):


Ooops! Rex – you got that one wrong…

Brianna did GREAT! As you might expect with a study involving 3-5 year olds, the older kids tend to do better than the younger kids. Brianna, however, got most of them correct, which is pretty remarkable for a 3 year old (so I am told). Yeah, well, we all know she is pretty remarkable! :)

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There was so much going on Easter weekend, that we did not get to make the suckers Uncle Matt and Aunt Carrie gave Brianna. BUT, that just meant we had them available on a rainy afternoon! The sucker part was pre-made, so Brianna just had to decorate them – I think she did great!

Her suckers (one for each of us per her instructions):

The proud artist:


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B and I took advantage of some cool, cloudy weather (with rain a possibility any minute) to have the entire strawberry patch to ourselves and pick tons of strawberries, literally without having to move much.





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Then and Now…

Most people say Brianna looks like me. Even strangers on the street will comment on it. You be the judge.

Here is a picture of me when I am roughly two and a half (give or take a few months) wearing my strawberry dress.

And here is a picture we took of Brianna today wearing the same strawberry dress.

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The last of our visitors left when Mimi flew away in “the BIG airplane” (as B put it) this past week. We had a wonderful visit with everyone! Here are a couple more pictures from the last days of Mimi’s visit. First, it was a little crazy around Easter, so we made our Easter cookies a week after the fact. Still fun, still yummy, and oh so much more relaxing!

B also has been having a lot of fun with our new iPad – currently, Miss Spider’s bedtime story is her favorite, but she also likes playing the game Jason got her.

When we set off for the airport, B was not in a particularly agreeable mood. She did not want to take Mimi to the airport – in her mind if we didn’t take her, Mimi would not leave. In the end, however, she cooperated and even had a little fun.



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