California Trip Part II: San Francisco Day 2

After her marathon nap, we took her on the cable cars, just like I promised we would. Unfortunately, by the time we were able to do that, it was dark, so we didn’t take any pictures. But the next morning, we stopped by the cable cars again and took these.


I thought about taking her on them again, but we didn’t really have time – we were taking the bus to Golden Gate park for the day (THAT walk was just a little too long…). She was great on the bus, which was full of commuters and tight on space. She was very focused – I had told her they had a playground at the park, and she would do ANYTHING to get there. :)

After we got off the bus we checked a little bit of the park and ran around as we worked our way to the playground.


She was reasonably patient – only asking me about once a minute when we were going to the playground. :) Then, we arrived. This playground has got to be the mother of all playgrounds! It is huge, and even has a carousel that runs on the weekend (thankfully it was disguised and B never noticed it since it was not running while we were there). She climbed and spinned and swung and ran and generally had a great time for about 90 minutes.

The spinner.

Surf’s up!

My beautiful girl.

We looked briefly at the Academy of Sciences while we ate lunch, but that place really needs a day of its own. As B constantly says these days: Maybe next time! After lunch I handed her the bink, put the seat back on her stroller, gave her kitty bla bla and her blanket, told her to go to sleep, and held my breath as I walked around the park some more. Within 20 minutes she was out and sucking hard on that pacifier – AMAZING!!

I have seen other parents with kids sleeping in strollers, on shoulders, etc., but B has NEVER been one to do that. On the rare occasion she has fallen asleep, it generally only lasts 20 minutes or so. This time she slept for over 2 hours!! Meanwhile, I toured the Japanese Tea Garden…




After catching the bus back into the city, we headed back to our hotel. On our way, we noticed a Dr. Seuss gallery! Look Mommy – Sam I Am!

After loading up the car and picking up Jason, we headed out of town. Next stop – Tahoe!

Posted Sunday, March 13th, 2011 at 8:26 am
Filed Under Category: Brianna
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