
Since I am only home with Brianna two days a week, there are not a lot of opportunities for play dates. Today we had the pleasure of hosting a play date with William (who graciously allowed his Mom, Marty, and his sister, Julia, to come). Brianna and William don’t see each other as often as I would like, so while they are both great kids, I just was not sure how the play date would go, especially since they are both at that age where sharing is, shall we say, not a priority for them. They did GREAT!! They played together really well, and when they weren’t playing together, they just zoomed around playing on their own. The only tears shed today were those due to small bumps and bruises (with three kids in the house zooming around, these things happen), and most of the tears were Julia’s – she is a very adventurous little girl! Towards the end of the play date, William and Brianna even worked together on a puzzle – impressive for a 2 and 3 year old! Even more amazing, I got a picture of them sitting together, next to the completed puzzle, AND both were smiling.


Loved having them and can’t wait to do it again!

Posted Thursday, January 13th, 2011 at 4:38 pm
Filed Under Category: Brianna
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