Spring Fun

Brianna is fully into her twos – complete with opinions, crazy antics, and sheer fun. For example, she is fascinated by my shoes – me wearing my shoes, her wearing my shoes, Colleen wearing my shoes…

When I took her in for her two-year checkup, she came in at 34″ tall (50%) and 24.8 lb. (25%). I am not too sure the height is correct. First, she wouldn’t exactly stay still (she was not pleased to be participating at that point). Second, she has pretty consistently stayed at 25% for height, which would put her just under 33″. Lastly, as you can see below, her height according to her giraffe her Poppa installed is closer to 33″ (really closer to 32.25″ when you get her to stand right and push down on her hair).



She “passed” all her milestone tests, and did pretty well with her doctor until it came time to get a blood sample. And then a shot. She was not happy about that at all, but what really set her off was the bandaids they tried to put on. I have never known a kid to love bandaids so much, except when it comes time to wear them on an actual boo-boo. NO BANDAID! she says…and she means it!

She is, of course, full of all kinds of personality and attitude. I captured these pictures of her while we were playing on the front porch (in between hat modifications, she was rearranging my patio furniture…)

Showing her street cred.

Contemplating the best place to move my patio chair.

And Jason’s personal favorite, the “Kaaaaahhhhhnnnnn” photo.

Saturday afternoon we received an emphatic request for bubbles. Now. Pweeze. She is much better at it than she was the last time she tried. Part of that is because I bought better bubbles, but another part is she just understands better how to wave her wand around (video coming soon).


I am including this photo just because I like it. She explicitly requested a pony tail like Mommy’s, and then made me put mine up in one too. :)


And finally, last night we had ribs – she LOVED them. She repeatedly pestered us for “big one”. Since she was so cute eating her big ribs, I had to get a picture. :)



Posted Monday, May 3rd, 2010 at 9:29 pm
Filed Under Category: Brianna
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