21 Months

Brianna is 21 months old today!


I am not exactly sure how big she is, but she weighs somewhere in the 25 lb. range (which surely increases to at least 50 lbs every time I pick her up!), she still has a bit of a pot belly, and she is somewhere in the 32″ range in height. As you can see, her hair is getting quite long. In another month or so, I suspect I’ll be able to put it up in real pony tails. :)


She is still a very good eater, and really seems to like sauces (ketchup, pasta sauces, BBQ sauce, cheese sauce, whatever). So, in general, if we want her to eat some veggie, we can just put some sauce on it and voila! Her favorite foods are pizza, smoothies, french fries, noodles, applesauce, blueberries, and banana sauce. I suppose it would be nice if she begged for broccoli or green beans, but I am content with the fact that so far, she will at least eat these foods. She still shuns lima beans and avocado, but thankfully, the list of foods she won’t eat is currently very small.

Her vocabulary continues to grow by leaps and bounds every day, and she is working towards complete sentences. I think she has the capability, but not the desire to say a whole sentence – why say “I want more milk please” when you can just say “more milk please”? There are too many new words to keep up with now. Suffice it to say, she repeats EVERYTHING we say. She can count to 10, although I don’t think she fully comprehends what it all means, and she can sing portions of her ABCs (complete with “now I know my ABCs, next time won’t you sing with me). At school she is now starting to learn her colors and shapes…the learning continues!

She loves to sing and dance and listen to music. Right now, her favorite songs are Jingle Bells, some farm song on her MP3 player, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Yellow Submarine (by the Beatles). She generally won’t sing or dance on cue (hence the difficulty capturing it on video), but she quite frequently spontaneously busts into song or starts dancing around the house (picture lots of foot stomping and head bobbing).

Her mobility, of course, is scary good. She is still really good about stopping when we say stop and sitting on her bottom at the top of the stairs. Still, I think we should put the child gates up soon. We also plan to convert her tricycle from a rocking tricycle to a riding tricycle this month (as soon as the temps get above freezing) so she can start riding around the street. It looks like she can finally reach the pedals, so I think she will love it! Here she is running around the corner – I caught the picture before she could turn her head (her new trick when I pull out the camera).


She still loves reading her books, playing with her blocks, playing night-night with us, playing with her puzzles, and running around like a crazy girl. What a treasure she is!


Posted Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 at 9:34 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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