Rainy Day Fun


This past week, Brianna and I were soooo lucky to have Miss Marty and William come over to visit! It was a miserable, cold, and rainy day outside so we stayed inside and played, and played, and played.


William loved Brianna’s puzzle toy, and I think Brianna learned more watching him play with it than she does watching us. Go figure. :)



Marty is 9 months pregnant with her second child – I think she looks great! Right now, they call the baby Grulia (a combination of Graham and Julia) because they don’t know what the gender is. Jason and I hope she has a Julia. She already knows how fun boys are, and we want her to know how much fun girls are!

William is two and an adorable, outgoing, friendly little boy. I was so impressed with how good he is at following direction and sharing. It is amazing how big of a difference 5 little months can make, especially on the social front. Brianna is still not very good at sharing, and she would fuss when William would play with a toy she wanted to play with. I think part of it is because she doesn’t see William very often, and part of it is because she is just at that age. We are working on it. Even though I had hoped she would share a little better with William than she did, she did much better than she would have done even one month ago. Progress!

We had a wonderful time visiting and playing with William and Marty. Thank you guys so much for coming!

Posted Saturday, November 14th, 2009 at 7:49 am
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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