12 months cont…

As a continuation of my previous post, I thought you might like to know what all Brianna is up to these days. Brianna weighs 20 lbs. 1 oz, and is roughly 27″ tall. So, in her first year she gained roughly 1 lb and grew a little over 0.5″ each month. She also has 6 teeth – 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. While she can still fit into more than a few 6 month and 9 month clothes, she generally wears 12 month stuff now.


While her enunciation may not be quite clear to anyone but Jason and me, she says close to 20 different words, which include ball, bink, mama, daddy, cat, puff, milk, more, pup, nana, duck, hi, moo, bye-bye, night-night, up, and hat. Admittedly, ball, bink, and puffs, for example, sound remarkably alike, so we rely on context a lot. She also signs “all done” and “milk” and “more” and will clap her hands and stomp her feet on cue (when she feels like it). She crawls all over the place and loves to climb up and down the stairs, and in and out of her chair. She will walk either with our help or behind some thing stable, like her activity center. She has not yet tried to walk by herself and she only recently has begun to walk around things. She also plays quite well with us and by herself – she generally likes to play her xylophone, read her books, play with her musical toys, play with her activity center, swing on the swings, go for walks, gnaw on anything in her hand, and chase after the cats (he-he). When playing with her stuffed animals, she honestly seems to be telling herself stories about them – she just jabbers and jabbers away! One of her latest things is to hug/kiss her stuffed animals – it really is a combo move and it is the epitome of adorable!

She has gotten a little picky with eating lately (ever since she was sick a couple of weeks ago), but in addition to previously mentioned foods, she also eats eggs (loves them!), yogurt, cream cheese frosting (loved it!), cheerios, and toast, and we have added cinnamon, nutmeg, and dill to her food. Because she has been sick, we did not add quite as many foods this past month. Up next is milk, turkey, cantelope, and tomato sauce.

The first year passed so quickly, just like everyone said it would. Still, we enjoyed it all and feel very lucky to have such an adorable, sweet, and happy child!

Posted Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 7:47 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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