By Request

Brianna got an email this evening requesting more pictures…something about an ice storm and NEEDING new pictures to stay warm…hmmmm. I don’t know if I am buying it, but here are a couple of my little munckin. :) Today she tried out Puffs (banana flavored) for the first time. After pushing them around on her tray for a few minutes, she figured it out and happily chowed down. I tried some myself — they are quite tasty!


Even though she does more scooching than crawling, she still manages to get around quite well. Here is a rare shot of her actually on her knees in a crawl pose.


Generally, the knee shots are just transitional — she is either on her way to the seated position or on her way down to do some scooching. Most of her “crawling” takes place on her tummy, and she is getting pretty quick. She even managed to sneak a block over to the edge of the loft and drop it — I didn’t even know she had it in her hand! Sneaky little thing…Time to put up some kind of screen before the poor kitties (or Mommy/Daddy) get coshed on the head by falling objects!

She does LOVE to stand however. Lately, one of her favorite things is to grab a hold of my hands (shirt, legs, arms, whatever she can get her hands on) so she can pull herself up.


I am told she has pulled herself up in her crib, but I have yet to see her do it myself. She can take all the time she wants — I am not in a rush!

Posted Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 at 9:07 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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