Cold Weather and Visit #2

This past weekend, Brianna’s Grandma and Grandpa came to visit all the way from Texas. She has now had visiting grandparents two weekends in a row — what a lucky baby! She was her normal sweet self and seemed to delight everyone with her coos, smiles, and general animated activity. She loved all the attention. Now she is going to have to get used to just Mommy and Daddy again.


She has a new sound these days — I think she is trying to imitate her Poppa. While her Poppa was here, he kept clicking his tongue. Brianna is nowhere near that skilled, but she keeps smacking her lips to make a similar sound. She cracks herself up! Grandma and Grandpa got a kick out of it too… Other accomplishments to date include banging together two objects after watching Jason or I do it, and eating bananas. She still is not too sure about this sweet stuff. While she eats them, she scrunches up her face when she eats applesauce and bananas. Vegetables, on the other hand, are currently not a problem at all. Hmmmmm…

The past couple of days it has been quite cold so when we went out, we bundled her up in her Pooh snowsuit. Isn’t she adorable! She hasn’t quite figured out that she can actually move while in this thing. Instead she just hangs out and occasionally flaps a “paw.”


Posted Tuesday, November 18th, 2008 at 1:58 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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