Solid Food – Part II

Last weekend we tried solid food in the form of various cereals. We tried baby rice cereal. We tried ground up steel cut oats (cooked and mixed with formula). We tried ground up regular oatmeal (cooked and mixed with formula). No go on any of it. She even decided she didn’t like her spoon anymore. So, Monday night we started over. After she woke up from her post-daycare nap (that issue is a whole other story), I gave her the spoon to play with while I held her. After a few minutes, I dipped the spoon in formula and tried to “feed” it to her while I held her. She opened her mouth right up. Then, I put a little prepared baby rice cereal on the spoon and tried to feed it to her while I held her. Success! After that I put her in her Bumbo seat and proceeded to feed her the rest of the rice cereal.


Throughout the rest of the week, I continued with the rice cereal until Thursday. Of course, she always manages to wear a goodly portion, but she seems to like it and opens her mouth nice an wide for each bite. She tends to make a mess when she feels she just HAS to say something as that spoon enters her mouth and/or when she dips her head at the last second (see above). Even covered in rice cereal, isn’t that face adorable??


On Thursday, I tried oatmeal again (ground up regular oatmeal cooked in water and mixed with formula). She still made a face, but was willing to eat it if I alternated oatmeal with rice cereal. I still believed it was a texture thing (you just can’t get real oatmeal to be super smooth no matter what you do). So, I bought some whole grain cereal for babies and tried some of that Friday night. She ate it right up and has already had a couple of servings today. Each time I make it a little thicker so she will get used to different textures. All in all, I am declaring victory!

Posted Saturday, October 18th, 2008 at 3:45 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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