Birthday and Bottle Time

Yesterday was my birthday, and Brianna celebrated by being a complete angel! Of course, she is usually pretty good, so I don’t know that I can honestly say she did it all for me. That said, who is going to argue with me? I did have a doctor’s appointment, which generally is not my idea of fun, but when you ask for a particular doctor and you are only available Tuesdays and Thursdays, you take what you can get. On the plus side, Dr. T and all the nurses were very excited to see Brianna. They all gushed over her and repeatedly told her she was “just the cutest thing” and “like a doll” and “so adorable, they could just eat her up”! Brianna took it all in and managed to not get too big headed about it. :) After we got home, my friend Jennifer and her kids (Corinne & Jack) came over to wish me a happy birthday. They brought me homemade cards (I love kid art!) and homemade brownies. YUM! This was especially good since Jason was unable to get my cake. Our favorite bakery has apparently significantly reduced its hours and he is having trouble getting in touch with them.

After Jason and Brianna took me out to dinner, Jason gave Brianna her bedtime bottle. Over the past month or so, she has been touching her bottle during a feeding, and occasionally she holds it for a bit, but for the most part she is just content to let him hold it. She is too busy eating to bother with that sort of thing! Yesterday, however, she took the initiative and grabbed that bottle. In the first picture Jason is still helping, but mostly because he wasn’t sure she had it. As you can clearly see by the second picture, she had it and did not need any help — bottoms up!



Posted Wednesday, October 8th, 2008 at 5:03 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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