Five Months

Brianna is 5 months old today! It is hard to believe that I have spent the past 5 months getting up at god-awful hours of the day and night, never getting enough sleep, and generally being happy about it! Her smile is a powerful thing — it makes even world renowned morning grumps such as Jason and I just melt. She went to the Doctor yesterday for a weight check and more vaccines. She currently weighs 12 lbs., 1.5 oz., and is 24″ long. She is officially big enough to measure using her giraffe height chart (see picture from a couple of posts ago). Jason is waiting another month before he will officially declare victory, but the Doctor told me she will keep her beautiful blue eyes — they are too blue to change, she said. Yeah!!


Here is the latest developmental and general news:
*Sleeps in her crib in her room at night. She currently will sleep at least 7 uninterrupted hours since her last feeding, and will generally sleep 10-11 hours total at night.
*At home, I can usually get her to take at least two 1 hour naps during the day, but she is too nosy to sleep much at daycare.
*When she has a bottle, we put rice cereal in it.
*Can roll over from her tummy to her back when she feels like it (which is rare).
*Currently loves Gina the Giraffe, her soccer ball rattle, and her taggy toys the best and grabs and chews on them regularly.
*Quite oral (everything straight to the mouth) and quite vocal (lots of aahhs, ooohs, ohs, and the occasional da).
*Generally happy unless she is hungry or really tired.
*Full of smiles most of the time — big wide mouthed grins — and has a wonderful giggle.
*Loves going for walks in the stroller and loves looking at people.
*Loves story time, and is particularly fond of The Rainbow Fish, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and most books by Sandra Boynton.
*The Doctor says her bottom front teeth are working on coming in.
*LOVES her pacifier.
*Has started paying attention to our hands when we use sign language (eat, more, milk, all done, mommy, daddy, pacifier, etc.).
*Loves to grab at things, but still does not have much motion control.
*Loves to stand (with assistance, of course); not really fond of sitting unless in Bumbo seat.

That is all I can think of right now. Enjoy the picture!

Posted Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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