The First 6 Weeks


Brianna is 6 weeks old now! It is hard to believe as the past 6 weeks have gone by very quickly. We have enjoyed every minute. I suspect things will be a bit more challenging from here on out since we have had so much help these past 6 weeks from our family. Here is a collage of pictures of Brianna with her family.


Right after we got home with Brianna, my Mother (Mimi to Brianna) came to visit and spent almost 3 weeks with us (see upper right picture). Mom was such a huge help doing laundry, cooking, and helping take care of Brianna while I healed. She originally thought she would be getting up with Brianna at night, but that wasn’t really necessary. Brianna is so good at night — she eats and then generally goes back to sleep. It was during the day I needed the help!

The last weekend my Mom was here, my Aunt Kathy came (Tatie Kat to Brianna — see lower right picture). She travels so much that this was just a quick day trip to see the baby (who can resist little Brianna??).

After Mom left, I was alone with Brianna for a few days until my mother-, father-, and sister-in-law arrived for a week (Nana, Poppa, and Tia to Brianna). They were also a huge help! Tia loves children and is studying nursing at the University of Florida and eventually plans to be a neonatal nurse (see lower left picture), and therefore, she couldn’t get enough of Brianna. Of course, Nana and Poppa (see middle left picture) also couldn’t get enough of Brianna! In addition to helping around the house (Nana even mowed the grass for Jason!), Poppa helped Jason build a cornice for the nursery and Nana sewed all kinds of things — the fabric cover for the cornice, fabric curtains for Jason’s tea room, and mattress covers for the cradle mattress (see cradle picture in last post). The nursery is all done now — Jason will post pictures soon (I promise).

The day my in-laws left, my Dad and Step-Mother (Grandpa and Grandma to Brianna) arrived (see upper left picture). They could only stay for the weekend, but it was a great visit. They were here over Mother’s Day Weekend and made my 1st Mother’s Day very special. We dressed Brianna up in her fancy-shmancy dress (see picture above) from her great-Grandfather (Papa) and went to out to a local steakhouse where my Dad treated us to brunch. It was so yummy and Brianna was such a sweetheart (she slept through the whole thing)! We had never been to this particular restaurant before, but now I know why it is so popular! After stuffing ourselves we went home, turned on some golf (great napping TV), and we all took a nap, Brianna included. :)

In addition to all the family, lots of friends came by to visit. We are truly blessed to have so many wonderful and caring friends and family — it is humbling to be the recipient of all of their kindness and generosity.

This past week I have been home alone with Brianna. Aside from one trying day, she has been an absolute angel. She gets a little fussy at night and the doctor suspects she has mild colic and/or reflux, so we are going to try some new stuff — like put her down earlier before she can get overtired and start the vicious crying cycle. I am worried this means she will be getting me up a lot at night, but the doctor says I may be pleasantly surprised to learn that this schedule may help her sleep even longer at night. Wish me luck!

Posted Sunday, May 18th, 2008 at 9:07 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby, Brianna
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