Week of Showers

No, I am not referring to the recent rainfall, although it was substantial and much needed. I am referring to the two baby showers friends threw for me during the first week of March. The first was during lunch on Tuesday March 4, when my co-workers threw me a lovely shower, complete with pizza and cake. In addition to all of my co-workers, I had a surprise visit from Marty, who left our office a couple of months ago when her son William was born (see bottom center picture). Here are some pictures.

work shower

Then, on Saturday March 8, my friend Jennifer threw me a shower at her house. So many people dear to me live too far away to attend, but I was fortunate to have many local friends come, along with my aunt Kathy and cousin Jenna. We had lots of yummy food, including tomato and mozzarella salad, meatballs, spinach dip, mini quiches, chocolate dipped strawberries and pretzels, shrimp cracker spread, veggies, punch, and of course, Winnie the Pooh cake! My friend Angie also made a diaper “cake,” which I just love! In one game, we had to match up children names to their famous parents (e.g., Shiloh with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie). We all got about the same correct (between 9 and 10), but Jennifer’s mom Ellen got 16 correct (out of about 25)! We were impressed. The girls also played baby bingo while I opened presents — Emily won that game fairly early on. The presents came from all over — from Florida to Texas to Ohio to Michigan to Virginia. Everything was just wonderful! Here are some pictures.

Jen shower

We are so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives and are deeply touched by their thoughtfulness.

Posted Saturday, March 15th, 2008 at 10:24 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby
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