Coming Soon: Complete Insanity?

I have noticed something rather bizarre recently about the messages our friends are giving us about our pending parenthood. My girlfriends all ask me how I am feeling. We talk about baby stuff, what to get, what is not necessary, and how wonderful it will all be. (That last part is emphasized so much that I am beginning to wonder if they are trying to reassure me that it really will be wonderful after the initial part is over). Jason’s friends, on the other hand, have a completely different message for him. They seem to spend a lot of time trying to prepare him for my pending insanity and my complete about-face. First, despite Jason’s assurances that I have been great (no crazy pregnancy hormonal behavior), every last father in the bunch assures him I will go off the deep end at some point, that I won’t be able to help myself, and that he should just prepare himself. Hmmmm…. Then, they all assure him that after the baby is born I will ignore him and renege on every agreement we ever had re: post baby life (e.g., we will travel, we will still go out, we will not stay in our house like recluses and ignore our friends). According to them, I won’t leave the house, I will ignore my husband, I will never leave my child unless forcibly extracted from the baby, and vacations of any sort (and particularly those without the baby) are completely out of the question for at least five years. Hmmmm….

Now, I can’t really say how I will behave the last couple of months of my pregnancy or how things will go after the baby is born. But really, do they have to go and try to convince my husband that I will become some crazy lady?? Maybe I will go nuts. But maybe, I’ll just be the exception. :)

Posted Saturday, January 26th, 2008 at 6:37 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby
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