Dots Dots Dots

Today Jason and I made some progress on the baby’s room. We originally planned to paint multi-colored blocks or circles on one of the long walls in the room (the one without all the closet doors).

Here’s a picture of the wall.

blank wall

The general color scheme for these blocks/circles was going to be blue, pink, and brown on the already beige wall. But we found these wonderful wall “clings” that we are going to use instead — much easier and more flexible than painting! The ones we found are circles in all different sizes and colors — brown, green, blue, pink, yellow, etc. We can arrange them on the wall any way we may like and then rearrange them as the mood strikes us. The product is called DottiLicious by WallCandy. Here is an example installation from the website.

dots on wall

We found these lovely things online, but then also discovered that a local store sells them. So, we went and checked them out and just loved them. Lucky us, the store had some on their wall so we could see how they looked. Perfect! I am really looking forward to playing around with these clings to make it look just the way we want. This will be much more fun (and much easier) than paint!

Here is a quick-and-dirty photoshop of what they might look like on our wall. We might not use this much pink (never have liked that color), and we might cover more (or less) of the wall, but this will at least give you an idea.

fake dots on our wall

We also found a light blue valence that has bubbles/circles on it that we think may match the wall clings. We plan to head over to Babies R Us tomorrow to check it out. It is nice to see some things coming together without too much trouble. :)

Posted Saturday, January 12th, 2008 at 9:28 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby
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