Hospital Tour

Tonight, Jason and I toured the hospital. Alyson was our guide and she was quite cheerful, helpful, and informative. I was particularly pleased to learn that she likes my doctor so much, that she followed her to our hospital. Not that I needed much encouragement — I think my doctor is pretty cool also. :) Anyway, we saw the waiting room, the “coach’s” break room, the delivery rooms, the post-delivery rooms, and all the various pieces and parts that make up the hospital maternity ward. We did not get to see any babies as our tour time was still during visitor’s hours so all the little babies were in with their families. In addition to the tour, Alyson provided much needed recommendations on possible classes we may be interested in. As an extra bonus, she provided lots of information and opinions without sounding preachy — my kind of person! All-in-all, it was a useful tour and I am really glad we went.

I don’t really have any recent pictures of me to post, but I will try to get some by this weekend. For those of you wanting to know, rest assured I am showing now. Next week I have my 28 week appointment and get my first ultrasound since early November. I am really looking forward to seeing how this little squirmer in me has changed. :)

Posted Wednesday, January 9th, 2008 at 9:35 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby
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