A Day at the Museum

Mimi and Tatie Kat are visiting, so we told B to choose what she wanted to go do today. When she woke up this morning, she said “Let’s go to the art museum!” The credit (or blame) for this lies squarely with her Fancy Nancy at the Museum book…

First, we had to get decked out for the trip (ala Fancy Nancy):

We started with the “old stuff.” When she saw this sculpture, her first and only comment was “I want to be the guy in the shade.”

At this point, which was about 5 minutes after we got there, her enthusiasm waned. “It’s too quiet.” “This is not what I thought it would be.” BUT, we found quite a few things to interest her…

She loved the outdoor sculpture gardens, particularly the lily pad ponds. Here is her favorite sculpture:

And the pond:

She even consented to being a statue herself (I don’t have to smile, mommy…):

This chair is just for me!

After this, we headed to the section with the newer (and also more colorful) art. Her enthusiasm showed a marked increase. The colorful ladies:

At one point she declared this her fav (though that changed frequently):

My personal favorite was this piece of art made out of 5,184 spools of thread. B first checked it out up close:

And then used the “lens” to see it in a whole new way (see for yourself above)!

What? Isn’t this what the benches are for?

While walking to the other side, we saw these hanging from the walls – the guard told us they climb down at night. B, said “Nah, that’s silly,” and then proceeded to ask me several times over the next 30 minutes if the statues really climbed down at night. :)

Before we left, we stopped to play in the fountains. Yes, she got soaked “washing the cow.”


After casually perusing the art as we walked around, M decided art makes her sleepy…

Both girls were very good. I was especially impressed with B – for her age, she did GREAT!

Posted Thursday, August 30th, 2012 at 1:58 pm
Filed Under Category: Baby 2, Brianna, Mackenzie
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